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Preserved Roasted Red Peppers: Submitted by: Nicolas Zouein | Date Added: 24 May 2015
Listed in: Pickles

---Method 1---
Makes about 2 pints.

8 red peppers, or any colored peppers
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup vinegar (any kind)
Kosher salt
Canning jars
A chopstick or butter knife

---Method 2---
Yields 6 half pint jars or 3 pint jars

4 pounds firm, fresh, clean red bell peppers
1 cup bottled lemon juice
2 cups white vinegar (5%)
1 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic cloves
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
**Bottled lemon juice is preferred in this recipe to ensure the acidity level is accurate for water bath canning. The acidity level in fresh lemons varies greatly and unless you test your pH levels, bottled lemon juice should be used

Cooking Instructions

---Method 1---
1- First wash, dry and then lightly oil your sweet peppers. You can do this with hot peppers, too, but be sure to use thick-walled varieties such as jalapenos.

2- Roast your peppers. Ideally this is over a smoky wood fire, on a grill. Second choice is a gas grill, third an open burner on a stove. Alternatively, arrange your peppers on a broiling pan and broil them. No matter what your heating method, you will need to turn your peppers from time to time as the skins char and blacken.

3- When the peppers are mostly blackened, remove them to a paper grocery bag and roll up the bag to seal in the steam. You want to steam the peppers in their own juices. Let the bag sit for 20-40 minutes.

4- After the peppers have cooled and steamed, take them out one at a time and remove the skins, stems and seeds. Have a little water running in the sink so you can wash your hands off periodically. Do NOT run the peppers under the water, as this robs them of flavor. Once each pepper is cleaned — get as many seeds out as you can — drop it in a bowl. Do all the peppers before proceeding.

5- Once all the peppers are cleaned and in the bowl, get a shallow bowl or small casserole pan and pour in some vinegar. I use red wine, cider or sherry vinegar for red peppers (sherry when I want them to be Spanish, cider for Portuguese, red wine for Italian or Greek) and white wine for green peppers.

6- Dredge each pepper through the vinegar a few times to get it good and coated. Place it in another bowl. Do this for all the peppers.

7- Sprinkle the bowl with all the peppers with kosher salt. Gently mix the peppers together like a salad. Sprinkle a little more salt and repeat. Sprinkle a little salt into the bowl with the pepper juice — the original bowl.

8- Gather canning jars and pour a little vinegar into each one; enough to cover the bottom of the jar. Pack in the peppers, leaving about 1/2 space at the top. Use a butter knife or chopstick to run down the sides of the jars, releasing air bubbles. You will notice the level of liquid drop. Fill it with the salted pepper juice — but still leave room at the top of the jar.

9- Once the air is out to the best of your ability and the vinegar-pepper juice it right at the top of the level of the peppers, pour in olive oil on top of everything to a depth of 1/4 inch. Screw the lids on the jars and you’re done. No sealing needed. These peppers will last a year in the refrigerator, although they will soften over time.

---Method 2---

- Cut into desired lengths. Some people choose to quarter their peppers, however, I prefer to slice them into 1-2 inch length slices. It’s whatever you prefer.

- In a medium-sized pan, mix together the vinegar, lemon juice, oil, garlic and salt. Bring to a boil.

- Pack peppers into sterilized jars. Pour the boiling liquid mixture into the jars leaving 1/2 inch head space. Be sure to remove air bubbles by placing a plastic utensil down the inside of the jar. Add more liquid if needed.

- Repeat until all jars are filled, or you run out of peppers – whichever comes first. *Hint – if you don’t have quite enough peppers to fill your last jar, add the liquid and when it cools, place in your refrigerator. It will last approximately 2 weeks.


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Preserved Roasted Red Peppers
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