Nick's Pepper sauce - Sauce au poivre: Submitted by: Nicolas Zouein | Date Added: 18 Jun 2015 Ingredients:

"A very easy and tasty black pepper sauce that goes with a steak."

Prep Time:
10 min
Cook Time:
25 min


2 TBS butter + 2 TBS butter for finishing
4 TBS finely diced shallots or 2 TBS onion powder
6 TBS finely chopped parsley
1 TBS crushed black pepper
2/3 cup Cognac
1.5 cups beef stock
6 TBS creme fraiche
1/2 ts salt

Cooking Instructions:

Melt butter on low heat, fry shallots till translucent, add parsley, fry 5 min, add black pepper and salt, fry 5 min, add Cognac and flambe till fire is out then add the beef stock, boil and reduce, add the creme fraiche, boil 5 min then finish it with 2 TBS of butter.

Free Recipe provided by: Zouein Family Recipes © 2024