Nick's Moqueca de Camarao - Brasilian fish shrimp stew: Submitted by: Nicolas Zouein | Date Added: 18 Jun 2015 Ingredients:

I learned this in Bahia - Salvador, and tweaked it by combining multiple recipes altogether, it is full of flavor, richness, colors and absolutely delicious!

Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 1 hour


1/2 kilo shrimps, peeled and divined (keep the shells and heads)
1/2 kilo white fish filet like Cod, cut into big chunks
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons Dende oil
2 tablespoons Dende oil for garnish
2 medium onions, finely diced
3 bell peppers halves(1/4 green, 1/2 yellow, 1/2 red), finely diced
3 green onions chopped (1 leave to garnish with at the end)
4 minced garlic cloves
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 ts crushed black pepper
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/4 cayenne pepper
1 big bay leaf
100 g. tomato juice
1/8 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/8 cup chopped cilantro leaves (for garnish)
1.5 chicken bouillon cube
1 (16 ounce) can coconut milk
1/4 cup creme fraiche

Cooking Instructions:

1. Stir together the lemon juice, paprika, garlic, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Add the fish and shrimps and toss to coat. Cover, refrigerate and marinate at least 30 minutes up to 4 hours. Meanwhile prepare the (shrimp stock): Cook the shells and heads in empty pan for 5 min till they start to become red in color, add 1 cup of water, cover and simmer on low for 6 min, smash some of the heads to get out the juices, discard everything except the 1/2 cup juices.
2. Heat the olive and 3 tbs dende oil, fry the onions 2 to 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium.
3. Add the bell peppers, green onion, garlic, bay leaf and fry altogether for like 5 min, add tomato paste and cook for 2 min.
4. Add the tomato juice, paprika, cumin, soy, black pepper, cayenne, cilantro, shrimp stock and chicken cube and let simmer like 20 min.
5. Optional: Take off from the fire and "puree" everything in a hand mill, getting rid of the vegetable skins.
6. Put back on fire in a clean pot, add the coconut milk and creme fraiche over the mixture
7. Simmer covered on low for 5 min
8. Uncover the pot and continue simmer like 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
9. Calibrate the salt at this stage (to taste).
10. Add the fish chunks and shrimps, continue simmering covered for another 6 min (be careful at this stage not to stir roughly or your fish chunks will flake apart).
11. Do not overcook or your seafood will become rubbery.
12. Take off from the fire, pour in appropriate presentation dish, drizzle the mixture with the 2 ts dende oil and garnish with the chopped green onion and cilantro.

Footnotes :
This dish is best served with garliced rice (5 minced garlic cloves 1 TBS butter 1.5 cup rice).
Soak rice in water, meanwhile fry the garlic in butter until translucent, drain rice and add it to the garlic and add appropriate water in your pot for the rice to cook. (depends on what kind of rice, check ratio on box or bag)

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