Béchamel - Small Sauces: Submitted by: Nicolas Zouein | Date Added: 26 May 2015 Ingredients:

For each of the following sauces, add the ingredients indicated to 1 qt (1 L) béchamel sauce (see recipe). Season to taste.

--Cream Sauce--
4–8 fl oz (125–250 mL) heavy cream, heated or tempered

--Mornay Sauce--
4 oz (125 g) grated Gruyère cheese and 2 oz (60 g) parmesan, stirred in until just melted. Finish, off heat, with 2 oz (60 g) raw butter. Thin out with a little hot milk, if necessary, or use a stock or broth appropriate for the dish being prepared.

--Mornay Sauce for Glazing or Gratinéeing--
Finish Mornay Sauce with liaison of 2 egg yolks and 2 fl oz (60 mL) heavy cream.

--Cheddar Cheese Sauce--
8 oz (250 g) cheddar cheese, 1⁄2 tsp (2 mL) dry mustard, 2 tsp (10 mL) Worcestershire sauce

Mustard Sauce
4 oz (125 g) prepared mustard

--Soubise Sauce--
1 lb (500 g) onions, finely diced, cooked slowly in 2 oz (60 g) butter without browning. Simmer with sauce 15 minutes and force through a fine sieve.

--Tomatoed Soubise Sauce--
Add 1 pt (500 mL) thick tomato purée to 1 qt (1 L) soubise sauce

--Nantua Sauce--
6 oz (175 g) Shrimp Butter, 4 fl oz (125 mL) heavy cream

Cooking Instructions:

-->Small Sauces<--
The major leading sauces—béchamel; veal, chicken, fish veloutés; and espagnole—are rarely used by themselves as sauces. They are more important as the bases for other sauces, called small sauces. Tomato sauce and hollandaise are used as they are, but they, too, are important as bases for small sauces.

Free Recipe provided by: Zouein Family Recipes © 2024