Halloumi Cheese: Submitted by: Nicolas Zouein | Date Added: 24 May 2015 Ingredients:

5 ltr full cream natural cow milk (non-UHT , non sterlized)
1/2 tablet rennet (Viking), mixed with 1 tbs non-chlorized water (mineral water) + pinch of salt.

For the brine:
80g Salt
1 Liter water

Cooking Instructions:

In a large stainless steel saucepan heat the milk to 64C while stiring, using a thermometer.
Keep at 64c for 30 min. to sterlize milk.
Cool down to 34c. You can do this by putting the pan in a tub of cold water
Add the disolved rennet when milk has reached 34C and mix well with milk.
Allow the milk to sit covered with a cloth in a warm place for 45 minutes or until a firm curd has formed.
Use the "Clean Cut" method to see when the curd is ready.
When the the curds are formed cut into 1 inch squares. If the pot is deep also cut across with a slotted spoon.
Rest for 5 minutes, then heat the pan to 40C, stir the curds gently being carefull not to squash the curds to little pieces, keep the curds for 20 minutes at a constant 40c.
The squares should look smooth and lightly elastic.
Lift the curd out of the pan with a slotted spoon and place into a cheese cloth and hang to drain the excess whey for like 20 min.
Put the cheesecloth into a mold if you have or in a strainer and put weight over it "like 3 kilos" and let it drain for another 30 min.
Now cut the block of Halloumi cheese into equal pieces.
Reheat the whey to 85-90C, and add the halloumi pieces to the whey and keep it on a very low fire.
Simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring from time to time. The cheese will float when ready.
Take the cheese slices out to a rack covered with a cloth, add a pinch of salt on each side and let it dry for a couple of hours.
Prepare a brine with 100g salt and 1 liter of water.
Transfer the cheese to a container and add the brine and store it in the fridge, it will be ready to eat the next day.
The halloumi will keep up to two weeks in the brine, in the fridge.

You can add any kind of herbs to the cheese like dried mint or whatever you might want.
You should add the 1/2 teaspoon of desired herbs into the brine.

This should yield like 1 kilo of cheese.
Halloumi is best when fried with a little butter!


Free Recipe provided by: Zouein Family Recipes © 2024