Chunky Vegetable soup - Roula: Submitted by: Nick Zouein | Date Added: 20 Apr 2023 Ingredients:

3 medium carrots
4 zucchini
1 cup green beans
1/2 cup peas
1 medium potato
4 garlic cloves
1 large onion
2 medium tomatos
1 bay leaf
3 cm cinamon stick
2 clove horns
1 ts salt
1 cube beef bouillon
1/2 kilo lamb muscle on bone

Cooking Instructions:

Cut all the vegetables to your liking for the soup.
Put everything in pressure cooker and fill with water, cook for 1.30 hours.
Then open and add:
1/2 cup canned corn
1/2 ts black pepper
1/2 ts white pepper
1/4 ts bhar helo
1 table spoon tomato paste
Simmer for additional 10 min.

Free Recipe provided by: Zouein Family Recipes © 2024